Celtia's Daughter of Avalon


Vita is very sweet-tempered. Just pat her, tell her she's beautiful and she will roll at your feet and never leave you. She has a cruious mind and always comes when called - just in case someone is going to tell her how lovely she is ormaybe give her a treat. This girl really makes us laugh. She is so much like her mother, grandmother, great and great, great grandmother).

Sire: Celtia's Farmer Brown CGC, TKN, RN
Dam: Celtia's Brigadoon

Breeder: Kathy Coleman

OFA Hips Fair; OFA Elbows Normal; OFA Eyes Clear; OFA Heart Normal; CNM Clear; CT Clear; DM Clear; EIC Clear; HNPK Clear; MCD Clear; PRA Clear; PKD Clear; RD/OSD Clear; Skeletal Dysplasia Clear; Stargardt Disease Clear; Dilute Clear (does not carry the dilute gene)

Celtia’s Daughter Of Avalon
DOB  01/19/2021

Celtia’s Farmer Brown BN RA CGC  TNK

Certified Therapy Dog

Celtia’s Walter 4 Chocolat RN BN CGC RA CC CD RE

Certified Therapy Dog

Ghoststone’s Granite Man

Chablais Marcello

Ghoststone’s Remington Java Mama

Celtia Salt oF the Meadow

AM/CAN CH Wood Duck’s Captain Morgan

Celtia’s Lady Isolde

Celtia At Last

Ganderhill Laird Of Celtia

Sunspot’s Bayvue’s By Request

KelleyGreens First Kiss OA OAJ NJP

Brookstone Leap of Faith At Celtia

Woodhull’s Jackson Brown

Beulahlands Jus-B-Cuz-I-Am-Choc

Celtia’s Brigadoon

Can CH Startops Legendary

Can CH Nipntuck Eagertrieve Mesmerize

CH Belgarin Tom Jones

CH Nipntuck Miss American Pie

Startops Private Stock

CH Startops Captain Morgan

Mardas Parade To The Post

Celtia To The Moon

Woodhull’s Jackson Brown

Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount

CH Woodhull’s Frankly My Dear

Celtia’s Lady Isolde

CH Saltmeadow Smoke

Randallane Morgan La Fey CGC