Celtia's Catch the Wind
Celtia's Harnessed to the Heart and Celtia's at Last
From Etta's last litter, we kept Gus. He is so much like his mother! A bit of a foolish goofball - he loves the water; whenever he gets the chance, he makes a beeline for the pond so he can swim at his leisure.
We enjoy having him around so much - he never ceases to make us laugh.
OFA Hips Excellent, OFA Elbows Normal, OFA Cardiac Advanced Cardiac Exam Clear, OFA Annual Eye Exam Clear/Normal, CNM Clear, CT A Gene Carrier/B Gene Clear, Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome Clear, DM Clear, EIC Clear, HNPK Clear, MCD Clear, PRA prcd Clear, Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency Clear, Skeletal Dysplasia 2 Clear, Stargardt Disease Clear, Dilute Clear